Cloudflare and WordPress multisite

Issue: Site uses Cloudflare and uses flexible SSL to serve pages. However, within WordPress, any http:// referenced sources are being referenced as http:// instead of https:// Solution 1: For the site in question, you can force resources to automatically upgrade. Put the following line in your .htaccess file: Header always set Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests An explanation Read more about Cloudflare and WordPress multisite[…]

WordPress/MySQL change URLs

Connect to MySQL and view tables to see what you need USE <DB_NAME>; SHOW TABLES; Grab site URLs SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘home’; SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘siteurl’; **NOTE** Multisite setups are different. Each site has their own set of wp_options, depending on your site, it may be set Read more about WordPress/MySQL change URLs[…]

WordPress can’t connect to database after MySQL move to new datadir

Resolution: The problem is related to your moving the mysql.sock file to a new location. PHP needs to know where it is, changing the location will fix the problem and reload apache/httpd (if you are using php-fpm, restart the service) Easy fix: Edit your php.ini file and make sure you specify the new mysql.sock location. Read more about WordPress can’t connect to database after MySQL move to new datadir[…]

Moving mysql datadir in Redhat (don’t forget SELinux!)

Issue: You have moved /var/lib/mysql data files to their new destinations, but mysql will not start up. Resolution(s): 1. Review and verify configurations (in this example, MySQL 8) – /etc/my.cnf.d/mysql-server.cnf datadir=/ & socket=/ set to the right folder? – /etc/my.cnf.d/client.cnf add the following lines under [client]: datadir=/path/to/your/files port=3306 2. Grant SELinux permissions to the new Read more about Moving mysql datadir in Redhat (don’t forget SELinux!)[…]

Connection errors from WordPress to Azure MySQL database

Issue: You are getting connection issues to your hosted Azure MySQL database server. You are putting the correct information in, but still WordPress is showing Error Connecting to Database. Error: After some investigation, you most likely are getting this error: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/9002): SSL connection is required. Please specify SSL options and retry Resolution: Believe it Read more about Connection errors from WordPress to Azure MySQL database[…]

Centos 7 and firewalld to allow SNMP

We need to add a profile for SNMP to use UDP 161.  Edit /etc/firewalld/services/snmp.xml <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <service> <short>SNMP</short> <description>SNMP protocol</description> <port protocol=”udp” port=”161″/> </service> 2.  Reload the firewall:  firewall-cmd –reload 3.  Add it to the public zone:  firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-service snmp –permanent 4.  Reload the firewall again. It should be working now.  

Postfix outgoing address change

ISSUE:  When you install Postfix, the default outgoing address on that server will be apache@machinename.local. RESOLUTION:  To change the outgoing address or the FROM address from your mailings, make the following changes: edit the /etc/postfix/ file change the mydomain field to your mail domain [mydomain =] Add the following text to the bottom of Read more about Postfix outgoing address change[…]

CentOS cheatsheet

Add user to group:  useradd -G <groupname> <username> Change password:  passwd <username> Allow sudo access: visudo Server Hostname:  /etc/hosts, /etc/sysconfig/network PostgreSQL: yum install postgresql-server postgresql-cli service postgresql initdb chkconfig postgresql on /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf (add “host all all trust” near bottom of page) service postgresql start yum commands:   remove install list <package>* list installed | Read more about CentOS cheatsheet[…]