Powerpoint Export slides to different resolutions (HD)
Issue: Export of Powerpoint slides only default to 960 x 720, how do I export to a higher resolution? NOTE: This requires editing of the Windows registry; if you have no experience you should allow someone who knows how to do this to perform this operation. Resolution: Open registry editor,…
MySQL Cheat Sheet
I grew accustomed to using MySQL GUI tools, but found that they can be quite daunting to use, ESPECIALLY a big pain to use is the MySQL Workbench suite. If you MUST use a GUI interface, try SQLYog. Simple and to the point. If you are looking for MySQL command line, here…
Microsoft Office returns with error when trying to activate
Issue: When trying to activate your copy of Office, it returns with an error similar to: An unspecified error has occurred. Your request cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later. (0x80070190) Resolution: open a command prompt and type in the following: Cscript “%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs” /puserops Now re-run…
Remote Desktop error in data encryption
Issue: Remote Desktop Client displays the error: Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end. Please try connecting to the remote computer again. Resolution: Be careful of working on the target (server) end. Sometimes, you don’t have that luxury nor do you want to tweak with a…
Reset Windows 7 password
Issue: End-user machine loses trust to domain and/or you forgot your administrator or account password. This is the easiest and fastest without a Windows reboot password CD. Resolution: Need | Windows 7 boot CD, boot into repair mode and use command prompt. Copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe to c:\ (as a backup), then copy…
CentOS cheatsheet
Add user to group: useradd -G <groupname> <username> Change password: passwd <username> Allow sudo access: visudo Server Hostname: /etc/hosts, /etc/sysconfig/network PostgreSQL: yum install postgresql-server postgresql-cli service postgresql initdb chkconfig postgresql on /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf (add “host all all trust” near bottom of page) service postgresql start yum commands: remove install…
Windows 7 won’t boot
Symptom: Windows 7 machine BSOD, safe mode the same. Initial Assessment: Rebuild machine or perform an in-place upgrade of Windows 7 (essentially and possibly wiping user data) Resolution: Boot up with Windows 7 off CD/USB and go to repair via command prompt – Navigate to \Windows\System32\Config – view the files…
Migrate WordPress.com site
Issue: Client wanted to migrate their WordPress.com site and retain full functionality in a WordPress.org site. Long/Short: This is not possible to do, as the WordPress.com sites have built-in features exclusive to only WordPress’ own hosting platform. Note in the article that you can only use Tools/Export to an XML…
di-ˈve-ləp-mənt – determination of the best techniques for applying a new device or process to production of goods or services. Based on client input, a new device may be implemented for a better browsing experience, or to showcase a feature item for display. At times, certain website features may be…
rē-di-ˈzīn – to revise in appearance, function, or content with the purpose of increasing functionality, productivity and/or customer interaction. Designs can be based on contract specifications or developer recommendations. Maid2Be, LLC. – http://www.maid2be.com/ “Lemuel did excellent job designing my website. He walked me step by step through the process so…