Category: Info

  • Script for disk cleanup

    Script for disk cleanup

    @echo off REM Install Disk Cleanup based on Windows Version ver | findstr /i “6\.0\.” > nul IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto ver_2008 ver | findstr /i “6\.1\.” > nul IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto ver_2008R2 goto warn_and_exit :ver_2008 :Run Windows 2008 specific commands here echo OS Version: Windows 2008…

  • Postgresql setup/commands

    Postgresql setup/commands

    Config file path [pg_hba.conf]:   Centos:  /var/lib/pgsql/data/ Ubuntu:  /etc/postgresql/ List databases:  \l or \list List of roles:  \du Create roles:  CREATE ROLE role-name; Create role with permissions:  CREATE ROLE role-name WITH optional_permissions; Change permissions after role is created:  ALTER ROLE role-name WITH options; See all options:  \h See all options…