Category: Support
Script for Chrome cache multiple users
I found a script this very useful script. It does a good job of cleaning the Chrome cache in user profiles on a terminal server. Original Post: Thanks! ======== @ECHO On TASKKILL /F /IM Chrome.exe /T for /f %%a in (‘dir c:\users /b’) do ( rd “c:\users\%%a\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache” /s…
WSUS 3.0 sp2 not showing Windows 2012 servers
Problem: WSUS does not display the Windows 2012 servers even though group policy has been applied. You run gpresult /r and see that there are no issues group policy-wise. Resolution: WSUS needs to be updated with the following patch. This will allow for the servers to be displayed properly.
Extended partition via diskpart, Windows not showing extra space
Issue: After adding disk space to a VM, you run diskpart to extend the partition. Diskpart shows it is extended, but Windows explorer does not recognize the extra disk space. Resolution: This is a pretty simple fix. While still in…
Powerpoint Export slides to different resolutions (HD)
Issue: Export of Powerpoint slides only default to 960 x 720, how do I export to a higher resolution? NOTE: This requires editing of the Windows registry; if you have no experience you should allow someone who knows how to do this to perform this operation. Resolution: Open registry editor,…
Microsoft Office returns with error when trying to activate
Issue: When trying to activate your copy of Office, it returns with an error similar to: An unspecified error has occurred. Your request cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later. (0x80070190) Resolution: open a command prompt and type in the following: Cscript “%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs” /puserops Now re-run…
Remote Desktop error in data encryption
Issue: Remote Desktop Client displays the error: Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end. Please try connecting to the remote computer again. Resolution: Be careful of working on the target (server) end. Sometimes, you don’t have that luxury nor do you want to tweak with a…
Reset Windows 7 password
Issue: End-user machine loses trust to domain and/or you forgot your administrator or account password. This is the easiest and fastest without a Windows reboot password CD. Resolution: Need | Windows 7 boot CD, boot into repair mode and use command prompt. Copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe to c:\ (as a backup), then copy…
Windows 7 won’t boot
Symptom: Windows 7 machine BSOD, safe mode the same. Initial Assessment: Rebuild machine or perform an in-place upgrade of Windows 7 (essentially and possibly wiping user data) Resolution: Boot up with Windows 7 off CD/USB and go to repair via command prompt – Navigate to \Windows\System32\Config – view the files…