Powerpoint Export slides to different resolutions (HD)

Issue:  Export of Powerpoint slides only default to 960 x 720, how do I export to a higher resolution?

NOTE:  This requires editing of the Windows registry; if you have no experience you should allow someone who knows how to do this to perform this operation.

Resolution:  Open registry editor, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Options

12.0 – Office 2007, 14.0 – Office 2010, and 15.0 – Office 2013


Add DWORD with the Name of: ExportBitmapResolution

Change the Base to Decimal and change the value to what you want to export it to (look below for the value and the corresponding resolutions.

Decimal Value Resolution (Pixels)
50 500 x 375 (50 dpi)
96 960 x 720 (96 dpi)
100 1000 x 750 (100 dpi)
150 1500 x 1125 (150 dpi)
192 1920 x 1080 (192 dpi)
200 2000 x 1500 (200 dpi)
250 2500 x 1875 (250 dpi)
300 3000 x 2250 (300 dpi)


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